sunnuntai 8. syyskuuta 2024

The carousel keeps on turning


    Life very rarely goes as planned, something unexpected happens and we just have to adjust the sails accordingly.

I don't plan much of my life , only draw some very loose " guidelines" , that have plenty of flexibility...just trying to enjoy the present , taking things as they come one at a time , with all the good the bad and the sad stuff.

It is all life - extraordinary life of a very ordinary person..

But what matters are the ones, with whom you share your life- your good days and the bad days...who are there , when the path gets rocky ..who are there celebrating the little joys of everyday life with you .

Make it all count, because we have this moment , one take , no rewinding, no re-takes is here ,it is now , so take it all in and embrace the ride ..

We never know, when it is our time to bow out - but the carousel keeps on turning..

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