Naiseuden myytit
Tätäpä olen pohtinut eräänkin kerran, eikä tämäkään ilta tee poikkeusta.
Kun minä tänään suihkussa kyyristelin ajelemassa säärikarvojani, jotka olivat kasvaneet kunnioitettavan pitkiksi, pohdin siinä samalla mitä järkeä siinäkin hommassa oli.
Kun toimitus oli suoritettu vasta toisesta jalasta, niin se näytti kuin olisin ollut leijonankesyttäjä..
Iloinset verivanat valuivat pieninä puroina pitkin pohjetta, ja hetken jo ajattelin,että jätän toisen koiven kokonaan ajamatta..onhan minun villasukkanikin eriparia tarkoituksella.
Päätin kuitenkin jatkaa pyhää toimitusta, käynnistin ruohonleikkurin(lue naisten käsihöylä),ja jatkoin itseni kiduttamista. Homman päätyttyä oikaisin selkäni ja "ihailin"aikaansaannostani...kylläpä olikin hehkeät sääret, suoraan teurastuksen jäljiltä....kyllä nyt passaa kulkea minimekossa esittelemässä rotusääriä..
Ja ei- ne sokeroinnit ja muut vastaavat toiminpiteet eivät ole yhtäön vähemmän tuskallisia, ja mielummin menen juurihoitoon ilman kivunlievitystä kuin ottaisin Brasilialaisen bikinivahauksen.
Mitä pahaa siinä muka on, jos naisella on säärikarvat?? Nehän suojaavat ihoa, ja mehän olemme apinoiden sukua...johan siinä kärsii katu-uskottavuus,jos olemme läpikotaisin karvattomia...
Miksi se on ookoo miehille,että heille sallitaan karvoja ja naisien pitää kärsiä kaikenlaista , koska joku ihme yleinen normi, myytti naiseudesta, edellyttää meidän olevan karvattomia.
PAITSI - yksi poikkeus tähän on!!! Nimittäin hiukset!!
Ja taas, kaljut miehet usein koetaan seksikkäiksi, mutta kalju nainen?? Hmm...jostain syystä se ei taas toimikaan niin päin.
Kyllä naisella pitää olla hiukset, ja mielummin pitkät hiukset....tämä varmaan taas lukee jossain näkymättömässä naiseuden syvin olemus opuksessa, jota minä en ole koskaan vaivautunut lukemaan.
Minä olen kalju kuin keilapallo, ja viihdynkin sellaisena. Minulta kysytään usein, miksi olen ajanut hiukseni pois?
Miten niin miksi?? Enhän minäkään kysy keneltäkään,miksi he ovat viihtyneet niin hyvin ruokapatojen äärellä.
Ja kun nyt vielä olemme tässä karva-bisneksessä, niin ei unohdeta sitä salaista puutarhaa 😉.
Miksi naisen on oltava sieltäkin karvaton, posliini? Samaan aikaan kun saa "torvea soitellessa" itse myös hammaslankahoidon pyytämättä.
Aihe on suorastaan kutkuttava, siirryn siitä huolimatta karvoituksen kiehtovasta maailmasta naiseuden yhteen kuuluisimmista olemuksista: kuukautiskierto..
Kuinka moni nainen on kuullut mieheltään,että onko sulla taas se aika kuusta, jos olet jostain syystä hieman takakireä.
Kukaan mies on tuskin päässyt päiviltään naisen kuukautisten takia. Mutta se kysymys itsessään, onko taas se aika kuusta, voi varsin hyvin aiheuttaa murhanhimoisen reaktion naisessa.
Ei niitä kukaan ole väenvängällä halunnut, yhtään sen enempää kuin vaihdevuosien kuumia aaltojakaan, mutta olemme nyt vaan saaneet ne tämän naisena olon mukana, kuuluu pakettiin.
Lehdet tursuavat hoikkia pitkäsäärisiä naisia upeissa luomuksissaan sipsuttelemassa siveästi korkokantakengissään. Victoria's secretin kuvastot pullistelevat jumalaisen kauniista naisista seksikkäissä alusasuissaan..
..ja minä, minä istun pitkissä kalsareissani kotona ja juon suoraan tölkistä maitoa ja katselen jakson toisensa perään Pulmusia. Kontrasti on huikea, suorastaan mykistävä.
Mutta en minä koe olevani yhtään vähemmän seksikäs, vaikka sääreni ovatkin ruvella ja kynnet tyngät,tuulenhalkaisija palanut karrelle kevään ensi auringonsäteistä. Minä koen olevani yhtä voimakkaasti nainen ja seksikäs, vaikka säärikarvani lepattaisivatkin tuulen vireessä ja kaljuni kiiltää kuin täysikuu öisellä pakkastaivaalla.
Minua ei rajoita mitkään yleiset normit eivätkä käsitteet, kyllä minä tiedän oman arvoni ja seksikkyyteni, se kumpuaa syvältä sielustani, eikä virttyneet verkkarit ja crocsitkaan himmennä sitä poltetta, mikä minusta lähtee.
Makuasioista ei voi kiistellä, ja kauneus on katsojan silmissä.
Mutta olisiko aika murtaa myyttejä ja arvostaa kaikenlaista kauneutta? Olisiko aika keskittyä oikeasti näkemään se ihminen niiden vaatteiden sisältä, eikä jäädä kiinni vanhoihin kliseisiin ja käsitteisiin?
Annetaan kaikkien kukkien kukkia!
sunnuntai 30. huhtikuuta 2017
lauantai 29. huhtikuuta 2017
Who kidnapped the spring??
Who kidnapped the spring??
I woke up one morning to a horrendous sight: the whole ground was white and all the trees were wearing this heavy white jacket, it was cold and damp...
I had to grasp the table preventing me from fainting and falling down, I reached my phone and was ready to call a nationwide emergency situation, but something held me back...
I knew it,right then and there, the spring had been kidnapped!!!
I was in shock. Who in their right mind would do something so vicious, so cruel?? Spring had never done anything bad, to anyone..
Everybody love spring: her bright and joyous personality with a sparkling tone on her laugh; the kids, the birds, everybody.....
Weather gets warmer, people smile a little bit more, kids are playing outdoors with T-shirts and shorts.....
It is just a lovable season, nothing to dislike...
...unless the ugly face of envy was lifting up again..
Who would envy spring??
It came to me instantly, I knew who..I knew exactly who kidnapped the innocent little spring right out of her frontyard...
November - that devious creature of cold and darkness had made his appearance. He crawled out of his cave, scared the living daylights of all the birds- who all took a sharp 180 and turned back to south...
They were gone....
November was standing outside his cave, stretched his stiff body and roared loudly. November was sick and tired of all the positive attention what spring had from everybody, so he decided to give a little show of his own.
And boy did he do a great job on that!!
All the medias went on about the big storm,that took over of the whole country. The traffic was jamming, people became cranky and the first flowers were suffocating under the heavy snow blanket.
An evil smile spread across November's face and he was so proud of his doings.
" Now they see,who is the master in command here,"he said, and continued : " Where did you go hiding, oh sweet little spring??Come up and face your winner, come and see, who really leads the world".
But spring was gone, vanished to a thin air. She was looking for a warm safe place to hide for a while, for as long as the mighty november had lost his energies and dived back to the darkness,where he belongs.
Spring knew,that this was the last effort of November to show his powers, so she gave him the room.
November was a cranky old fellow,who liked darker shades and cooler temperatures -he was the complete opposite of the cheerful and colourful lady spring.
But it was all about the balance, and there was time for everything.
Spring smiled a little bit and while she was falling asleep,she could still hear November's basso sounds echoing in the air.
I woke up one morning to a horrendous sight: the whole ground was white and all the trees were wearing this heavy white jacket, it was cold and damp...
I had to grasp the table preventing me from fainting and falling down, I reached my phone and was ready to call a nationwide emergency situation, but something held me back...
I knew it,right then and there, the spring had been kidnapped!!!
I was in shock. Who in their right mind would do something so vicious, so cruel?? Spring had never done anything bad, to anyone..
Everybody love spring: her bright and joyous personality with a sparkling tone on her laugh; the kids, the birds, everybody.....
Weather gets warmer, people smile a little bit more, kids are playing outdoors with T-shirts and shorts.....
It is just a lovable season, nothing to dislike...
...unless the ugly face of envy was lifting up again..
Who would envy spring??
It came to me instantly, I knew who..I knew exactly who kidnapped the innocent little spring right out of her frontyard...
November - that devious creature of cold and darkness had made his appearance. He crawled out of his cave, scared the living daylights of all the birds- who all took a sharp 180 and turned back to south...
They were gone....
November was standing outside his cave, stretched his stiff body and roared loudly. November was sick and tired of all the positive attention what spring had from everybody, so he decided to give a little show of his own.
And boy did he do a great job on that!!
All the medias went on about the big storm,that took over of the whole country. The traffic was jamming, people became cranky and the first flowers were suffocating under the heavy snow blanket.
An evil smile spread across November's face and he was so proud of his doings.
" Now they see,who is the master in command here,"he said, and continued : " Where did you go hiding, oh sweet little spring??Come up and face your winner, come and see, who really leads the world".
But spring was gone, vanished to a thin air. She was looking for a warm safe place to hide for a while, for as long as the mighty november had lost his energies and dived back to the darkness,where he belongs.
Spring knew,that this was the last effort of November to show his powers, so she gave him the room.
November was a cranky old fellow,who liked darker shades and cooler temperatures -he was the complete opposite of the cheerful and colourful lady spring.
But it was all about the balance, and there was time for everything.
Spring smiled a little bit and while she was falling asleep,she could still hear November's basso sounds echoing in the air.
sunnuntai 23. huhtikuuta 2017
Leopard cannot change its spots
A leopard cannot change its spots
I learned to read at a very young age, I think I was 4 years old at the time, when I started spelling the words of my favourite books. After that, my life was never the same again - a whole new world opened up to me to discover, and I was so eager to get my hands on anything with text or maps.
I loved maps as well, practically stole my sister's school atlas and dived into it, learning about all the deepest of seas and highest of mountains,what this planet had and everything in between.
It was magical...I was interested in everything: cultures, geography, languages, animals....just everything, and I became a little adventurer right then and there.
At school it was always the languages and geography, where I was so good at.Even those times when I wasn't so lucky to have encouraging teachers supporting my passions, I didn't let them to turn me off either.
Writing was also something, that I was doing well.
Years have passed by, and I have grown up, I am suppose to be all adult and everything,what comes up with that territory...
However, something hasn't changed at all, as a matter of fact, quite the contrary, that being my passion of wandering and exploring our planet.
A leopard cannot change its spots, I am still that curious little girl, who has the ever-growing will to seek and learn.
And even thought I have always loved my books and reading, I never had the patience to study very hard at school, I was way too busy to live my life and learn from it, than to sit at my desk and study it for years in universities.
That is why, I am not a marine biologist nor am I an antropologist or a biologist etc....
I go head on to my very own empiric experiments, learning from them.
Sometimes those experiments are mellow and I find myself quite enjoying them. Then there are those experiences, that have indeed taught me very valuable lessons, but with the very high pricetag on them.
I have found myself completely exhausted and bruised,both physically and emotionally, but after I have re-gain my energies, I have come to notice the value of those hard lessons.
I have done my share of compromises, licked my wounds and count my blessings and carried on...
I have lived by trial and error, sometimes went along the lines of the majority - settled for certain rules and routines fixed by somebody else, not by me.
And there is nothing wrong with routines, it is just not my cup of tea.
For many people routines brings structure and security, for me it is the contrary.
Let me be clear- I do live by the laws, and I dont harm anybody either.
That being said, I don' t like to be told what to do,and bureaucracy makes my skin crawl..
I need to do things my own way, not told by others,how to live my life.
Staying still at one place and having a regular same job doesn't give me any satisfaction what so ever. It only kills me from inside, little by little everyday.
I am much more happier painting beautiful wooden boats in a remote island and get paid by room and food, than having a safe job with a regular salary till the end of my days.
I am born with that " wanderer-gene", who is never happy staying in one place for too long. I am not lost to be found, I am on my journey, this is MY adventure.
I was meant to be like this. Trying to mold me to routines and settled schedules will kill me, it will kill my inner flame.
So - please, let me be me! Let me roam wild and explore this planet the way I have chosen.
I learned to read at a very young age, I think I was 4 years old at the time, when I started spelling the words of my favourite books. After that, my life was never the same again - a whole new world opened up to me to discover, and I was so eager to get my hands on anything with text or maps.
I loved maps as well, practically stole my sister's school atlas and dived into it, learning about all the deepest of seas and highest of mountains,what this planet had and everything in between.
It was magical...I was interested in everything: cultures, geography, languages, animals....just everything, and I became a little adventurer right then and there.
At school it was always the languages and geography, where I was so good at.Even those times when I wasn't so lucky to have encouraging teachers supporting my passions, I didn't let them to turn me off either.
Writing was also something, that I was doing well.
Years have passed by, and I have grown up, I am suppose to be all adult and everything,what comes up with that territory...
However, something hasn't changed at all, as a matter of fact, quite the contrary, that being my passion of wandering and exploring our planet.
A leopard cannot change its spots, I am still that curious little girl, who has the ever-growing will to seek and learn.
And even thought I have always loved my books and reading, I never had the patience to study very hard at school, I was way too busy to live my life and learn from it, than to sit at my desk and study it for years in universities.
That is why, I am not a marine biologist nor am I an antropologist or a biologist etc....
I go head on to my very own empiric experiments, learning from them.
Sometimes those experiments are mellow and I find myself quite enjoying them. Then there are those experiences, that have indeed taught me very valuable lessons, but with the very high pricetag on them.
I have found myself completely exhausted and bruised,both physically and emotionally, but after I have re-gain my energies, I have come to notice the value of those hard lessons.
I have done my share of compromises, licked my wounds and count my blessings and carried on...
I have lived by trial and error, sometimes went along the lines of the majority - settled for certain rules and routines fixed by somebody else, not by me.
And there is nothing wrong with routines, it is just not my cup of tea.
For many people routines brings structure and security, for me it is the contrary.
Let me be clear- I do live by the laws, and I dont harm anybody either.
That being said, I don' t like to be told what to do,and bureaucracy makes my skin crawl..
I need to do things my own way, not told by others,how to live my life.
Staying still at one place and having a regular same job doesn't give me any satisfaction what so ever. It only kills me from inside, little by little everyday.
I am much more happier painting beautiful wooden boats in a remote island and get paid by room and food, than having a safe job with a regular salary till the end of my days.
I am born with that " wanderer-gene", who is never happy staying in one place for too long. I am not lost to be found, I am on my journey, this is MY adventure.
I was meant to be like this. Trying to mold me to routines and settled schedules will kill me, it will kill my inner flame.
So - please, let me be me! Let me roam wild and explore this planet the way I have chosen.
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