One day of my life being an introvert
It is safe to say, that I am a constant source of enterntainment , at least to myself.
Maybe not at that particular moment when I have managed to do or say something weird or embarrasing, but give it a minute...or two...and voila - you 've got yourself some comedy.
And I don't even have to try, it seems to become naturally to me.
I am just being me,in good days and in bad days.
And here I thought that when I cut my hair off to be bold, there will never be a bad hair day again.
Oh well, at least I saved in shampoos.
Anyway, I have always been an introvert, ever since I was a kid.
But it seems to be, that with the age added to my life, I have become even more much so, that this endearing personality trait gives me certainly daily dose of laughter.
At some things, I am really strict with my habits and routines, it is ridiculous.
I have my own place in sauna where I always sit, it is the top "shelf" and right next to the door, on the left.
I just always sit there, thats it.
Lord and behold, one day I went to sauna, took a shower and stepped into the loving warmth of that pleasure room - just to discover, that somebody was sitting on my place 😱. My place????
That was truly shocking to my sensitive nerve system, so what did I do...
....I just stared this poor lady for a while, blinked very slowly few times, took a one-eighty and back to the shower and to the safety of my own little home.
Indeed, what a horrible crime had been committed, to sit on my spot.
Of course it was impossible to enjoy sauna at any other spots, and there were plenty of space, but not my corner.
And that, my friends, was just one incident.
When I am at home, at my basecamp, I usually always go to the same grocery store at the town.
And - I always go from the same entrance in and out as well.
Until the day....
...when those telephone connection marketers had took over that part of the shop.
I know they have a smell of a well trained canine for drugs, those people can smell an introvert miles away.
And crikey can they mercy whatsoever!!
And a really bad memory!!
How the hell they can forget so fast people's faces??
They just tried to get me to change my phone company like a minute ago...
Yet when I come back, here they are again, like I was a completely new person.
I know they see a lot of people during the day, but C'mon people, I am a face that shouldnt be that easy to forget.
A boldie with a smile of a Staffordshire bullterrier ( if I am in the good mood) and a smoking hot body...well, luke warm then - how can anybody forget that??
Anyway, because these dudes kidnapped my entrance to my grocery store, I had to start using the other entrance, but things went south right away.
I forgot to buy toilet paper, because I entered the shop from the wrong door, and wasn't used to do my shoppings in that order.
So yes, life can be sometimes a bit challenging, but I survived.
At home, in my tiny little basecamp, I also have these peculiar habits and routines.
I always sit in the same side of the couch, have my morning rituals in the very same manner every single day, same thing on the evening.
You would think now, that how is it possible, that this very same person who has this comedy-like routines, could actually operate if the safe routines are messed up big time?
Well, every once in a while I like to stir things up a little bit, so I travel.
I do those little trips, when I go somewhere and volunteer doing something interesting and live with a local at their homes etc...
So my own familiar routines are mixed up , sometimes pretty well indeed.
And here she comes again...with a speed of a light she has come up with a new set of routines, which she follows carefully and to be precise.
Oh well, welcome to my life.
And let me tell you, there is more to come.
So get your pop corns ready, take a comfortable position and stay tuned... because the fun is just starting.
With love Ansku
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